Friday, March 4, 2016

Polymorphic and annonymous functions in Scala

Anonymous functions in Scala are nameless , lightweight functions which can be passed around without any side affects.  They are also called as function literals, lambda functions, lambda expressions or simply lambdas.  (x,y)=>x+y   is an anonymous function which means that the input to the function are two variables and the result will be the sum of them. Another common lambda expression is an underscore form eg _+1 which means the function is an increment function.
Monomorphic functions are those functions which have only one type. Polymorphic functions are functions which are generic and can work for different datatypes. Following example shows the usage of anonymous function, Monomorphic and Polymorphic functions and tail recursion in Scala.

object Demo{
def main(args:Array[Strings]):Unit={
    var arrD= new Array[Double](4)
    arrD(0) = 2.0
    arrD(1) = 4.0
    arrD(2) = 6.0
    arrD(3) = 7.0
    println(binSearch[Double](arrD, 7.0, (a:Double, b:Double)=> a>b))

// Monomorphic binary search with tail recursion
def binarySearch(ds: Array[Double], key: Double): Int = {
    def go(low: Int, mid: Int, high: Int): Int = {
      if (low > high) -mid - 1
      else {
        val mid2 = (low + high) / 2
        val d = ds(mid2)
        if (d == key) mid2
        else if (d > key) go(low, mid2, mid2 - 1)
        else go(mid2 + 1, mid2, high)
    go(0, 0, ds.length - 1)

  // return the index of the searched data if found else
  // a negative number if data doesn't exist
  // takes an anonymous function/lambda as a parameter for comparison
  //this is a generic method which takes any data type 
  def binSearch[X]( data: Array[X], key:X , gt: (X,X) => Boolean):Int={
    def go(low:Int, mid:Int, high:Int ):Int={
      if( low > high) -mid-1
        var mid2 = (low + high) /2
        var d= data(mid2)
        val greater = gt(d,key)
        if ( !greater  && !gt(key,d))  mid2
        else if (greater) go(low,mid2,mid2-1) 
        else go(mid2+1,mid2,high )

Let me know if you have any comments on the same.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Higher order functions in scala

A function that takes another function as an argument is called a higher order function. Like any other function parameter we give type as Int=>Int which indicates that f expects an integer as input and integer as a return type(........, f:Int=>Int). A complete example is shown which uses a Higher order function and tail recursion.

object Demo{
def main(args:Array[Strings]): Unit ={    
    println(formatResult("Nth febonacci number where value of N is", 5, febonacci))
    println(formatResult("Factorial of ", 7, factorial))
  // nth fibonacci number using tail recursions
  def febonacci(n:Int):Int={  
    def nextNum(num1: Int, num2:Int, n :Int):Int={
      if(n==0) num2+num1
      else nextNum(num2,num2+num1,n-1)

  def factorial(n:Int):Int={
    def fact(num:Int, acc:Int):Int={
      if(num<=0) acc
      else fact(num-1, num*acc)

  def formatResult(name:String, n:Int, g:Int=>Int )={
    val msg="The %s %d is %d"

Tail Call Recursion in Scala

Recursions are resource intensive and may lead to Stack overflow if processing a huge data set. Tail Recursions help convert a recursion to a simple iteration. Pure Functions comes handy because the function calls are easily replaced by their respective results using substitution model and referential transitivity. Scala is a very powerful language because of such features which help remove the side effects of functions and help define function objects. following are few examples which showcase tail recursions:

// nth fibonacci number using tail recursions
  def feb(n:Int):Int={  
    def nextNum(num1: Int, num2:Int, n :Int):Int={
      if(n==0) num2+num1
      else nextNum(num2,num2+num1,n-1)

// factorial function
 def factorial(n:Int):Int={
    def fact(num:Int, acc:Int):Int={
      if(num<=0) acc
      else fact(num-1, num*acc)

Awaiting your comments and examples which you tried to convert a recursion to a tail recursion.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Data Security using SSL.

Clickstream is a term used to fetch the data from a web server where the data is generated by the traffic on the website. There is lot of useful information and patterns which can be analysed to make sense out of raw data. Security of the data is very important and here comes the need of SSL/TLC.
SSL is secure socket layer and TLS is Transport layer security

Poodle attack and end of SSl 3.0.
Poodle attack is similar to beast attack. By this attack the attacker can gain access to cookies and private data of the user. Because of  such incidents HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)- says to stop using ssl 3.0 for all health related websites.

Every website which wants to use SSl has to have a SSL Certificate.
Thawte or Verisign are the two companies which provide SSL certificate to websites for a stipulated timeframe.
SSL Certificate is nothing but the a public and private key for that particular website.
If Client doesn’t trust server , Client-side SSL certificates are used and server has to verify the same.
If both  client and the server trusts each other , a symmetric key is generated  by client and the cipher to be used.
Then  this symmetric key or the password is encrypted and send to Server . Only Server can decrypt this key
Rest of the data can be transmitted using the key and the chosen cipher.

Keys used for SSL are 2048 bit and ciphers are 128bit to make it more secure